Aid and inform the general public in the effective techniques for achieving means for the transmission of wealth in such a way so as to assure the maximum amount will be available for the intended beneficiary.

Foster a better understanding of the dynamic and changing factors influencing the management and transfer of private property.

Encourage the exchange of ideas among the professionals involved in estate planning for the enhancement of their abilities to serve their clients, to provide a forum for the techniques for improved client service.

Serve as educational resources for the news media, educational institutions, and civic organizations interested in giving the widest public dissemination to the general public on ideas for effective estate planning.

Foster the interaction of the primary professional fields of endeavor involved in estate, trust and estate administration, accountancy, life underwriting and legal consultation.

Foster and encourage techniques, concepts and ideas among its members and the general public for the betterment of the community through supporting charitable, religious and civic contributions and the interaction of eState planning techniques therefor.